First impressions of COVID-19. 2020-2021.
Alcohol on invoice. Analogical and digital collage.

cast of the awarded 'Bluesman' video by Baco Exu do Blues

cast of 'Realidades Brasileiras' documentary by Gleba do Pêssego and Nataly Neri 

                    cast for Google Duo father's day                                                                                     cast of 'Brechó Visionária' fashion film 

promotional carnival itens for C&A

study on animation and illustration

assets created for D&AD New Blood 2020, with Google+HTMC’s briefing

assets created with Alan de Sá, Luiz Ferreira and Taís Geburt for Wieden+Kennedy "Campanha do Agasalho"

zine's photos: AKQA stage, future/nostalgia edition